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Women of EFS: Arati Rai


Today we are kicking off the “Women of EFS Series”, celebrating the empowerment and evolution of women in our workplace. Our aim is to showcase real-life stories of evolution, empowerment, and learning through opportunity and recognition of true potential. We would like to introduce our first Woman of EFS — Arati Rai.

Arati’s growth journey is nothing short of incredible: she joined EFS Facilities Services as a housekeeping attendant, and in less than 36 months, she rose to the position of Executive Secretary, where she assists in managing reception and related support services at the Group CEO’s office.

Arati went through training, learning, and upskilling programs within EFS, which helped her advance her career from housekeeping to the responsibility of managing secretarial activities for a billion-dollar company. Read all about her impressive career journey from blue-collar to Executive Secretary – here:

“I arrived from Nepal to the UAE in November 2015. I didn’t have a job or an education before joining EFS, I was working around home, taking care of my family – my mother, father, my two brothers and my daughter.

I got an opportunity to join EFS as a housekeeping attendant and I took it! I was 19 years old and I had no previous experience even in housekeeping – but I was driven by my desire to help my family,” said Arati.

One year after joining EFS Group as a housekeeping attendant, Arati got her first promotion within the group as a Team Leader. “I got promoted as a Team Leader of housekeeping and after two years I got promoted as a receptionist to the head office, which was a huge step for me!

EFS believed in me and saw my determination to learn, to work hard and to grow. I got a lot of training in the company, and we were sent to learn English and how to use computers which played a huge role in my development. Knowing how to speak better English and how to use the computer provided me with the skills I needed to attain a better position within the organisation.

Keep believing in yourself – you can grow!

Today, I am an Executive Secretary and when I look back at my journey, I realize how much I grew professionally from housekeeping to executive secretary to the CEO.”

We asked Arati what her advice is for the women out there and her words were inspiring: “No matter where you come from, how little you know, take the opportunity, work hard and believe in yourself.

As a woman you can do anything you set your mind to! Keep believing in yourself – you can grow! I am beyond grateful and lucky to be working for an organisation that provides the opportunities for growth regardless of your starting point.”

The inspiring story of Arati is a testament that educating and upskilling women provides them with the opportunities they need for growth. With our “People First” focus we push the boundaries and we convert blue-collar workforce into white-collar careers focusing on unique skills and talent.

Arati Rai is one of the many inspiring, brave and strong women driving the success of EFS everyday! Stay tuned for more stories of #WomenOfEFS!

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