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In the Wake of Emiratisation


EFS takes great pride in empowering and supporting the employment of nationals through its participation in the Tawdheef Career Fair

In the wake of boosting job opportunities for Emiratis, EFS is a step ahead to empower them and raise their competitiveness in the labour market in keeping with the UAE National Agenda 2021.

Tawdheef is the region’s leading Emiratisation exhibition that focuses on Recruitment and Career Development. EFS has backed the Vision of investing and creating valuable assets through its participation this year in Abu Dhabi.

With more than 350 plus profiles of prospect job-seekers, EFS looks forward to ensuring the provision of an appropriate and stable work environment with the success of the Career fair.

EFS thus believes in contributing to various initiatives to enhance their competitiveness and productivity, in parallel with continuing to accelerate recruitment in the economic sectors to meet targets.

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