
Camping Connect

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Altruism as a Corporate Strategy Makes Compelling Sense

Altruism for business leaders and companies is no more just an attribute, but a requirement to keep employees fully engaged and help the organization to realize its wider goals. Conventional employee engagement methods are no longer sufficient to maintain a healthy connection between employees and the organization. It should not just be left to the

Altruism as a Corporate Strategy Makes Compelling Sense Read More »

The Widening Skills Gap in Gulf’s Construction Sector

The market downturn and its onslaught on the bottom-line have left enterprises looking for productivity in pursuit of profits. Of the various cost components that need to be tweaked, foremost is staff productivity. In the construction or maintenance industry, there is always a room for improvement in workforce output. Especially at the project level, the

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Mideast’s Facilities Management Needs New Benchmarks

With growing challenges of inadequate asset data, site visit restrictions and limitations and misaligned RFP information, the facilities management industry is compelled to look into benchmarking as a tool for commercial and workforce deployment estimation. The issue is: How to collect, collate and analyze data to arrive at accurate conclusions. It is essential to put

Mideast’s Facilities Management Needs New Benchmarks Read More »

EFS facilities services | Conclave 2017

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