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EFS Carnival: Celebrating a Multi-Cultural Workforce



In its 5th year, the EFS Carnival was initiated by our own visionary Group CEO, Mr. Tariq Chauhan. The EFS Carnival consists of several fun-filled activities and features entertainment, games, races, competitions and raffle draws. It is a wonderful time for the company and brings everyone together in a light and enjoyable way.

EFS has a more than 2,500 employees from the office, onsite staff and the blue-collared staff representing 35 Participating in this event.

Mr. Tariq Chauhan, Group CEO, refers to it as “the cornerstone and foundation of EFS’ continued global success” this event is conceptualized with a thought of giving back for the efforts each and every EFSian has put forth.

Every year we bring the EFS community together, strengthening the bond between the management and the staff and further emphasizing the importance of each and every role and every person within the company.

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