

An Organization’s Value System is the Sum of its Workforce

A corporate-wide culture will mean nothing if there is a disconnect with each employee. It is a commonly held belief that motivation and high-performance emanates from a company’s policies and culture. However, it requires a value-driven workforce that shares a similar ethical code. To bolster this, organisations must put sufficient checks and balances in their hiring

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Sustainable Organizations Have to Build the Right Mix of Its Workforce Between C-Suite, Managers and Executives

This is right in most organizations; There is always a mix between its employees as regards their performance and the roles they play in the organization’s hierarchy.  Their outputs also set the demarcation between leaders, managers, and executives. There are outperformers, those performing to the best of their capability, while some may be lagging in delivering

Sustainable Organizations Have to Build the Right Mix of Its Workforce Between C-Suite, Managers and Executives Read More »


How Basic FM Knowledge Can Help to Reduce Household Costs, Improve Family Health and Sustainability

The role of Facilities Management and its impact on our daily lives is underscored by many. In our routine walks of life, the necessary knowledge and awareness of Facilities Management can help to reduce household costs and ease of our lifestyle. This can help in saving money and tweaking the maintenance budgets. It is not

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Adjustment of Living Index Parity in Annual Wage Review Is a Must for Companies to Build Employees Trust and Promote Fairness

Employees’ expectations for a salary raise in line with any spike in the cost of living index is fair and must not be ignored. And when it’s not done, this is cited as a usual employee grievance. This demand must not be lost in translation, citing market conditions, or comparative salary index to tone down

Adjustment of Living Index Parity in Annual Wage Review Is a Must for Companies to Build Employees Trust and Promote Fairness Read More »


World kindness day sentiment through EFS Carnival 2019

Through the Fam-Jam compassionate award, ten lucky EFSians got to meet their loved ones at the EFS Carnival 2019 World Kindness Day is to highlight good deeds in the community focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us. Kindness is a fundamental part of the human condition which bridges the divides of race,

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Why Appraisal Processes Don’t Mean Anything Anymore

Employee performance trackers need a complete overhaul and fast A burning issue companies are facing is dealing with rising discontent among employees over their compensation and its appraisal processes. To boost morale and productivity, companies have to overhaul their performance management processes. They need to take giant leaps to correct the way HR and line

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