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A strong spirit is never broken

September 24, 2018

Amir Mustafa is an all-round AC technician providing flawless execution while also supporting many other sites.


We celebrate the diversity of our dynamic workforce. Everyone comes from different parts of the globe and from different walks of life. This is an excellent way for each of us to work on our individuality but also our ability to adapt and be well-rounded people.

There is so much we can all learn from each other, and experience whether personal or professional always proves to be the best teacher. This is why we believe in maximizing the potential of every EFS employee by supporting their ambitions and personal development.

This story is one that shows us the power of the human spirit. Amir Mustafa is the EFS superstar from one of the projects in KSA, nominated by EFS KSA for his flawless work and his steadfast dedication.

Amir has a unique tale. It began with him starting with EFS as an AC Technician for the IWP project in 2015 and within 2 years due to an unforeseen back problem, he had to suddenly resign and undergo surgery with a recovery time of 5-6 months. It was hard on his team, not only because of his contributions to the work but because of his vibrant attitude.

He took that time and he recovered and he never gave up. This year Amir was welcomed back to EFS and he is back in action with his outstanding performance. With his ever-willing attitude to go and apply his knowledge and skills, he helps the company complete a wide variety of jobs.

Amir is one of the most qualified multi-technicians and he excels in his duties. His eagerness and positive attitude have brought tremendous transformation in his personality and to his work ethic.

Back in his hometown in Pakistan, Amir lives with his wife Kauser and two children, Samer and Suman and if you know him, you know that he is a huge fan of cricket.

He is an inspiration to his family and to his peers. Amir continues to support other projects with that special enthusiasm, as he keeps on moving ahead, one project – and one day at a time.

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